The Master Theorem: A Book of Puzzles, Intrigue, And Wit

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I'm M, or at least that's how I'm known, and I'll be your guide. I founded The Master Theorem long ago, as a secret society at my beloved alma mater. With cryptic invitations slipped under the doors of my first recruits, I wanted to do the same things that every mystery-shrouded founder of a secret society wants to do: cultivate bright young minds, spark forward-thinking debate, take over the world—you know. Think Dead Poets Society led by a spy . At its core, The Master Theorem creates solvers. Our members from across the globe tackle the mysteries of the universe with their wits and wiles. They study the problems of the world and seek to make them right. They invent the ground-breaking technologies that drive our society forward. Occasionally they get distracted and build pumpkin-slinging catapults. But for the most part, they’re focused on solving some of the biggest challenges known to humankind. It was always our intention to operate in the shadows, but now more than ever the world is in dire need of solvers—and my impeccable leadership of course. I’m therefore expanding my search for those who have the motivation—and the ability—to change the world. The Master Theorem remains a members-only society, but consider this puzzle book the cryptic invitation slipped under your door. The Herculean test of your grit is as follows: Find the word or phrase solution to each one of my encrypted logic puzzles, called Theorems. Doing so will earn you entry into our elite ranks. It may take you some time, but trust me—it’ll be worth it.

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